About PEER Group GmbH
About PEER Group GmbH
PEER Group is the largest supplier of factory automation software for Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 in the semiconductor and related industries.
We provide innovative software solutions and consulting services to the semiconductor, photovoltaic, pharmaceutical, and other high-tech industries. And, we help lower the cost of automation for our customers by solving their most challenging equipment automation, data management, and custom application development problems. PEER Group’s European branch, PEER Group GmbH, is located in Dresden, Germany.
Due to strong customer demands for easy, repeatable factory-wide connectivity, the PEER Group GmbH team developed the Equipment Automation Framework (EAF) in 2010, based on extensive experience gained while automating Semiconductor fabrication facilities throughout Europe over 20+ years.
Industry leadership
The team continuously demonstrates leadership by developing connectivity solutions and providing automation services for several high-tech industries in Europe, North America and Asia.
PEER Group GmbH actively participates in automation standards development.

We are a voting member of several SEMI Technical Committees (TC).
We are actively working on various SEMI task forces.

We have made significant contributions to more than a dozen SEMI Standards.
In addition to SEMI-related work, we provide leadership on the following technology committees to help move the industry forward

VDMA – OPC UA companion spec development
Silicon Saxony Board